We are committed to good management of the environment, health and safety, for us, nothing is more important than the health and safety of employees and the environment.
Huicheng and the environment
Ethics and compliance
Huicheng always fulfill its legal and regulatory obligations, not only that, we also developed a code of conduct, which is a set of core values that we used to ensure that our actions are consistent with ethics, integrity and mutual respect required.
Code of Conduct
Supply chain ethics
Global Trade Compliance
Corporate Governance
Huicheng Administration Department is committed to achieving the highest standards of corporate governance.
Huicheng vacuum Administration Department
Risk management and internal audit
We are committed to good management of the environment, health and safety, for us, nothing is more important than the health and safety of employees and the environment.
Managing Security
Huicheng employees as the most valuable asset, Huicheng into the business around the world in many countries/regions, with approximately 200 employees.
Career Development
Employee benefits
Quality and Product Safety
Our goal is worldwide, unified and efficient way to provide quality products and excellent customer service, build customer loyalty and provide innovative solutions in a timely manner, the key to success is to maintain competition in the market.
Product Safety
Business Continuity